November 29, 2011

If you give a boy a cookie...

Simon is an amazing little napper.  He sleeps a solid 3 hours every.single.morning!  Once Isabella started school those morning hours have become my time to be with just Oliver.  (I have to be very careful because it is all too easy get in the habit of doing dishes, cleaning house, making phone calls, etc. during that time. It's tricky finding the balance!)  A few days ago I realized I have never made cookies with just Oliver.  Oliver loves to help me cook, but sharing that time/space with his older sister can be difficult sometimes.  When I asked him if he wanted to make cookies he ran to the kitchen with a fervent, "A-HA!"  It was so much fun (and a whole lot easier with just one helper)!

He watched over his baking cookies diligently while browsing one of his favorite books.  He then enjoyed chocolate chip cookies while I read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie to him at least a dozen times.

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