We loved having some snow finally fall and stick here in the city. It's been 2 years since we've had a good snowfall here.
Isabella was up and in her snow clothes before breakfast. (I
really look forward to when the boys are big enough to get into their own snow clothes.) It's nice having our apartment door open right outside. She was able to play in front of our building (right outside our windows and door) while we stayed cozy inside making pancakes ("pampakes" in Oliver-eez).
It took us a while before we all got into our winter clothes and headed out to play in the snow. Once we did we had a blast walking around Central Park and sliding down the icy paths in the Ramble.
oh the joy of a sassy six year old |
sweet sweet boy! |
my daughter is a penguin |
the paths were so icy the kids could slide down on their bums |
the lake was so beautiful |
At one point Isabella was doing a whole one-gal slap stick comedy show for Oliver (lots of exaggerated slipping and crashing into things). He was laughing hysterically. In between breaths he gasped, sighed and quietly said, "She's so funny." It was my favorite moment of an awesome day.
Our beautiful street was even more amazing this morning.