Since our cd drive wasn't working for a while I was unable to view the photos that the amazing Maria took of Simon when he was just 4 days old. It was so fun to see these photos for the first time, now that he is over 3 months old. It's amazing how quickly he has changed! Here are a few (of many) favorites:
March 29, 2011
Right Now
Word on the street is Obama's in town. Some of the caravan headed into
the museum. Not something you see in NYC everyday. It's all very
the museum. Not something you see in NYC everyday. It's all very
Right Now
Preparing to have a cyst removed from her gums. She is so brave!
Update: After the operation she was a bit loopy and it was quite hilarious! While still in the doctor's office she kept announcing, "I want to live here!" And we stopped into Williams Sonoma, she lied down on some stairs, feet higher than head, and said, "This is so much fun." Even after the drugs wore off she is still a bit euphoric about the whole experience informs us, "The doctor was so NICE!" or, "It was so fun!" Brian and I had some good laughs!
Update: After the operation she was a bit loopy and it was quite hilarious! While still in the doctor's office she kept announcing, "I want to live here!" And we stopped into Williams Sonoma, she lied down on some stairs, feet higher than head, and said, "This is so much fun." Even after the drugs wore off she is still a bit euphoric about the whole experience informs us, "The doctor was so NICE!" or, "It was so fun!" Brian and I had some good laughs!
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