On Sunday Brian taught Sunday School and I taught the little Sunbeams while Isabella stayed in nursery without crying. (Yeah! Thanks Beth & Marci!) After church we went to Beth's house for a lovely dinner. We loved hanging out with such awesome people and laughing about silly things (like Arrested Development).
Then last night my iChat "rang" and it was my lovely, adorable niece, Emma. She was "calling" from my mom's laptop in California. Two brothers and their families were playing a Sunday afternoon game at my mom's house. (I miss that tradition terribly. We would all just lounge, laugh and play a game on my mom's living room floor after a lovely Sunday dinner.) Below are some photos of Emma...playing with Photo booth (artsy, don't you think?). I miss my family...
And I can't wait until my mom comes to visit on May 20th for a week and a half (the only time she came to visit was when the baby was born, and I couldn't really show her around then). I'm putting together some of the best of New York stuff to show my mom. So if you have any wonderful suggestions of hidden gems in or near the City please share!