Umm...Never, until Summer Streets!
Seriously! One of my all-time favorite things I've done in NYC in the last three years (and we've done a lot of fun stuff!) has been Summer Streets. There's nothing quite like it; riding my bike, with baby and hubby, down Park Avenue with not a single car around! We rode from W 110th St all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge (and back) on streets sans cars. It was such a wonderful, calm, relaxing way to enjoy my favorite city. The weather was fantastic both weekends and Isabella has been a real trouper. We did it two Saturdays already and the last one is this coming Saturday. There are lots of fun free classes, free bike rentals, and such along the route. So, if you haven't tried it yet, GO!!! I really hope they do this again and again! Thank you Mayor Bloomberg!
Last Saturday I had a true New Yorker moment. Someone told me I couldn't ride in a certain area of the park and I was confident and rude right back at her. I'm so proud of myself, 'cause I'm usually such a pushover.
How COOL is that! Kudos to Bloomberg indeed. :)