Christmas 2009 |
I'm putting together an activity advent calendar to do with the kids this year. I love the idea of it, but I'm not sure if i want too feel "committed" to do something every-single-day, so I may make it more of a checklist. Or decide each activity the day before. Although, I can already hear myself saying, "Another Christmas movie tonight kids!" as I order pizza for the 3rd day in a row. I'm great at planning, but sometimes exhaust myself in the implementation. But, in case you want inspiration here are some ideas I've jotted down so far--in no particular order.
- See the tree at Rockefeller Center
- Church Christmas concert (Dec 3)
- Go to the ward Christmas party (Dec 10th)
- See Christmas windows along 5th Ave & Macy’s
- Winter’s Eve Festival at Lincoln Center (Monday, Nov 28 5:30pm)
- Rent a car and see the lights (Dyker Heights?)
- Visit Daddy for lunch (while Isabella’s on school break)
- Celebrate Simon’s birthday (Dec 14th)
- Make Christmas cookies
- Deliver cookies to some of our favorite neighbors
- Make ornaments for the tree (idea links 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Find the “secret subway station”
- Get a Christmas tree
- Decorate tree
- Make a gingerbread house (a la Trader Joe’s)
- Read the Christmas story
- Make a garland (popcorn, buttons, felt squares and/or cranberries)
- Hang and kiss under mistletoe
- Visit Santa?
- Visit the beautiful trees around the city (go to the Met for sure)
- Read Christmas themed storybooks (check out from library)
- Make snowflakes
- See the model trains at Grand Central
- Go ice skating
- Teach kids more Christmas songs
- Go on a hot chocolate crawl
- Make Christmas cards
- Watch a Christmas movie (or two)