August 10, 2011

Right Now

We headed down to the river for the free soccer class we've been
attending for the last month. Only to find out that last week was the last
session (which we missed). But we are loving the free, unstructured
play and the fantastic breeze.
This unplanned "chill" time is exactly what we needed.

Summer Streets 2011: week one

Summer Streets is right up there with blueberry picking and Florida in February.  I love it!  This is it's 4th year.  It occurs the first 3 Saturdays every August (it's only from 7am-1pm).  I think we've gone to it every single time.  And I still love it!

Last Saturday we didn't have our bikes (they are in storage in Connecticut) but we still did a part of it (E 23rd St to Spring St).  Brian rode his Dahon and I jogged pushing the kids in the stroller.  Isabella scooted some of the time and sat on the back of Brian's bike the rest of the time.  We had a great time.  But I am dreaming of biking the whole thing soon!

New Yorkers: even if you don't have bikes you should still got to at least part of it.  It is so fun to see the city from a whole new perspective (bring the camera). Whole Foods sponsors a block party with tons of free, yummy, organic food at E 24th & Park Ave.  (Seriously, you can walk away with a weeks worth of Stonyfield yogurt, Organic Valley cheese, Odwalla juices, etc.)  Other fun places to go: through the tunnel around Grand Central and on Spring St & Lafayette (there is a lot of fun stuff as well).  Here's the route map.

Every year I dream about how I could saddle up all the kids and take them on frequent bike rides.  We came across the Adams Trail-a-bike Tandem (super cool) last Saturday.  And I still love the Zigo that I first saw last year!

Cow milking by Organic Valley.  I got to tell my kids about how when I was little my daddy taught me how to milk a real cow.  (Thanks Dad!)
Free Ciao Bella gelato. 
Say, "gelato"!

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