April 18, 2011

Simon: 4 months

Simon has had a busy month.  He sprouted his first tooth almost two weeks ago (teething at 3.5 months = crazy).  His eczema also got pretty bad.  I'm still in the process of jumping through hoops with our new insurance so we can get him to the doctor.  Unfortunately, he spends a lot of time with socks on his hands and swaddled to prevent him from scratching and sucking his hands (which also have eczema).  He's such a little trooper.  

Despite his obviously uncomfortable skin he is all smiles.  I treasure those moments when I am busy, busy, busy but I glance over at him in the bouncy seat and he's just grinning, oh so lovingly, at me.  It melts my heart.  He still gets super excited and squirms with delight when I reach to pick him up.  The biggest, guaranteed grins come when I talk to him in a super high-pitched voice.  He loves it!

He almost turns over on his left side.  He's just got to swing those hips and he'll be belly down.  Although he can squirm himself all over the place while he's on his back.  He's working on his reaching and grabbing at objects.  But loves to hold my finger while nursing if his hands are free.

His nighttime sleep habits have taken a turn for the worse (I'm assuming maybe because of the teeth?!)  In the last two weeks I think he has slept more than 3 hours only once.  Most nights he's up every hour after about 2am.  It's been a bit rough.  But his naps are awesome!  2.5-3 hours at a time.

He is truly a delight.  Mellow and super happy.  We all adore him.  Isabella loves to hold him and make him laugh.  Oliver tries to get him to play sometimes.  

We love you Simon and were are so happy you are our baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is teething already! And he totally looks like Oliver in that last picture.
