April 20, 2011

Ask Mr. Bear

Last week we worked on the book Ask Mr. Bear from our Before Five in a Row (B4FIAR) curriculum.  It's about a little boy who tries to figure out what he should give his mom for her birthday.  He asks a variety of animals and then Mr. Bear gives him an idea of the best birthday present: a big bear hug.

Here are some of the activities we enjoyed with this book:

matched the sounds to the animals
compared the brown bears and the grizzly bears at the AMNH
Did you know the brown bear is the largest carnivore?
They weigh over 1600lbs!
move like the animals 
put together puzzle of mom and baby animals
had an "unbirthday" party with friends
all lap book activities found at homeschool share

Not pictured: lots and lots of big bear hugs!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! move like the animals!! :) Thanks for continuing to post! I love keeping up with your fabulous family! xoxo
