July 14, 2010

Crazy 10K

Last Saturday I ran in the Dash & Splash 10K through Central Park.  The great thing about this run is racers get to go for a nice dip in the Lasker Pool before it opens to the public.  With the high humidity on Saturday and running with a big lump on my belly the jump in the pool was heavenly.

My race time was significantly slower and my muscles more sore compared to the race I did just a month ago, but it still felt great.  I felt strong!  And I loved running and chatting with Sunny the whole time!


  1. What's the big lump on your belly? You two look awesome. I must tell you I have started jogging, something I swore I would never do. But I am secretly enjoying it...just a little:)

  2. Beth, I'm so very impressed! You are one hot mama! I'm always surprised how good I feel and how much I enjoy running after I haven't done it in a long time.

  3. Um, HELLO!!!! I had no idea! Congrats on the pregnancy! And now I'm even more motivated to run faster, seeing as how you schooled me on our last race ... and you were pregnant! You're amazing!
