October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Isabella!!!

5 days old

1st birthday

October 2008

Last week

Things my vivacious birthday girl is into:
**Huli & Co.--Huli is her imaginary friend, but frequently new ones are introduced. Yesterday I think it was Keytow and Keyta.
**Her imagination, in general, is fun and amazing. I just had to go get a pen out of the closet for her because we couldn't find the pen Grandma gave her. When I told her there aren't any pens in the closet, she gave me a "duh!" look and said, "A pretend pen, mom!" She smiled as I handed her the pretend pen. The other day she was drinking milk and said it was coffee. "But we don't drink coffee." "Mom, it's pretend coffee." Right...
**"That's my favorite ______ !" Everything seems to be her favorite! Especially billboards, "That's my favorite movie!" She'll exclaim while pointing to the ad for Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs on the side of a city bus. Funny thing is she is really only referring to the preview...those are movies to her...and we'll keep it that way as long as possible. She frequently requests the "movie" UP. But I love that so many things are excitedly her favorites.
**She admires and adores the many women in her life. Yes, she loves her friends, but she really loves her friends' mothers more. If I say, "Let's go play with Chase at the playground." She'll reply, "And Minde too?!" Maybe it's the fantastic snacks or the sparkly shoes. But I'm already learning that my little girl looks up to the many women in her life.
**She's 3 going on 13! Recently she took my phone while talking to Daddy at work, went in her room, shut the door. She LOVES the phone, nail polish, high heels, makeup, etc.
**Running! She can run, run, run. Recently Brian took her one evening and she ran around the entire Reservoir in Central Park which is just over 1.5 miles. And she's fast.
**Singing! There is always a song coming from her sweet lips while playing, reading, going potty, bathing. It is so, so sweet.
**Independent! She knows what she wants and she will make sure we know it too!

Oh, Isabella, we love you so!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that she has such a great imagination and that she loves being a girl! Oh how I miss my...I mean Morgan's little friend Bella! I cannot believe how grown up she looks in that last picture. I must call you soon and chat.
