June 10, 2009

While Waiting--Simple Splurges

Oh, baby boy, why wait so long?! Even though it is fun using the excuse, "I'm overdue!" to indulge myself in some simple pleasures I would much rather indulge myself by holding you (as much as I love ice cream...).

these cherries were a bit pricey, but oh so fantastic!

I had never bought a bouquet of peonies before.
So lovely.

a whole lot of ice cream
this is Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Therapy
aptly named

taxi! taxi!

this overdue babe is costing me a fortune in taxi rides
(Sometimes it's the only way I can convince myself to get out, "I can just grab a cab home if I'm tired." And, well, I'm always tired!)


  1. love love LOVE peonies! They are my favorite flowers...and loving the pic of Isabella with the two straws in her mouth! ;)

  2. mmm, I've got to try that chocolate therapy!
