July 21, 2008

Run Mama, Run

I raced again on Saturday and did a pretty awesome job! It was a 4 mile race for Central Park. This was my second race of the season, and I will hopefully do one (or two) more this year. I beat my own time with an average of 8:19 min/mile. Sweet! It was, of course, the hottest day of the year...again!

I barely made it to the race on time because the downtown trains weren't running. So I jogged from W 119th St to W 72nd St, which is about 2.25 miles. And, yes, I drank gallons of water that day!

Fantastic Fountains!

Isabella loves fountains! Rightfully so, especially since it was so hot and humid on Saturday. This was down at Battery Park as the sun was setting.


On Saturday we went for a cruise on the East River to see The New York City Waterfalls. It was fantastic! Anyone interested? Grab the $10 Circleline tickets.

West Village

I seriously love the West Village. Each time I visit I fall more deeply in love. Last week when I just had to get out of the hood I hopped on C train and got off at West 4th St. Isabella and I just cruised around, enjoyed the people, shops, and gelato. We stopped at a fantastic playground where Brian met us after work. It was the perfect day.