July 21, 2008

Run Mama, Run

I raced again on Saturday and did a pretty awesome job! It was a 4 mile race for Central Park. This was my second race of the season, and I will hopefully do one (or two) more this year. I beat my own time with an average of 8:19 min/mile. Sweet! It was, of course, the hottest day of the year...again!

I barely made it to the race on time because the downtown trains weren't running. So I jogged from W 119th St to W 72nd St, which is about 2.25 miles. And, yes, I drank gallons of water that day!


  1. wahoo! I need to run a race. I've just made it to the 5 mile marker on my workout so I really should push myself. That is crazy you did such a long inadvertent "warm-up". ;)

  2. You are my hero, especially since you had to run a race just to get to the race!! I'm dying to see you - do you have any time in the next few weeks to get together?
