September 13, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Rockstar...Baby!

Photo shoot in Tribeca.

Cab ride around the city.

Grabbing a tres leches treat at Doughnut Plant on the Lower East Side.

Riding dolphins in the East Village.

Practicing with the band (friends Angela, James & Baby Gabriel) in Midtown.


  1. I LOVE all your updates...especially the ones with Morgan and me:) j/k The picture of them hugging at the beach is priceless! Your family is also super cute in the others as well. I especially love the breakfast and band-dee posts. Always glad to see updates, even if I do see you almost everyday!
    Oh and ps, I already miss your awesome camera:(

  2. now that's the way to live life....

  3. We've been wanting to try the D. Plant for SO long. Looks delicious...
