August 31, 2012

Summer Streets: An Epic Adventure

This was the 5th year of Summer Streets and, yes, it is still one of my all time favorite family events in the city.  But, truth be told, I was feeling a bit bored with it.  (I've probably gone 12 out of 15 times.)  This year there wasn't anything new and exciting--I wish they'd bring back the dumpster swimming pools; that was awesome (and refreshing!).

But to get me out of my slump of boredom we had lots and lots of family come into town the last Saturday of Summer Streets.

Here is the day in numbers...and then the photos.

The night before Summer Streets:
6 extra people slept in our apartment Friday night, making
11 people in 500 sq ft, with only
1 bathroom

The morning of Summer Streets:
2 hour delayed start because of the pouring rain
9 adults rode bikes
9 children joined, all were pulled behind adult bikes except
2 "pushed" their own weight
1 on a bike
1 on a scooter
18 people in our group

We rode about:
10 hours (with lots of breaks)
16 miles, over
1 bridge, took
2 ferrys, and had only
1 flat tire

Our route:  We rode from our apartment across Central Park to the Park Avenue where Summer Streets is located.  We enjoyed the car free roads and activities along the way until Summer Streets was ending at 1pm.  Then we rode across the Brooklyn Bridge, down to Pier 6 (ran into some friends), caught the ferry to Governors Island, stopped by the Jazz Age Lawn Party (ran into some other friends), took the ferry to Manhattan, rode up the greenway along the Hudson River until we got to the UWS, and then just cut through (on streets) to our apartment.

our apartment + bicycle storage
getting ready to hit the road
riding in Central Park
down Park Avenue
under the Manhattan Bridge
ferry to Governors Island
Simon + "Daddeee"
Jazz Age Lawn Party
Isabella testing the tag-along bike with Uncle Jon
Oliver all tuckered out