November 28, 2011

Preparing for an Activity Advent

Christmas 2009
I'm putting together an activity advent calendar to do with the kids this year.  I love the idea of it, but I'm not sure if i want too feel "committed" to do something every-single-day, so I may make it more of a checklist.  Or decide each activity the day before.  Although, I can already hear myself saying, "Another Christmas movie tonight kids!" as I order pizza for the 3rd day in a row.  I'm great at planning, but sometimes exhaust myself in the implementation.  But, in case you want inspiration here are some ideas I've jotted down so far--in no particular order.

  1. See the tree at Rockefeller Center
  2. Church Christmas concert  (Dec 3)
  3. Go to the ward Christmas party (Dec 10th)
  4. See Christmas windows along 5th Ave & Macy’s
  5. Winter’s Eve Festival at Lincoln Center (Monday, Nov 28 5:30pm)
  6. Rent a car and see the lights (Dyker Heights?)
  7. Visit Daddy for lunch (while Isabella’s on school break)
  8. Celebrate Simon’s birthday (Dec 14th)
  9. Make Christmas cookies
  10. Deliver cookies to some of our favorite neighbors
  11. Make ornaments for the tree (idea links 1, 2, 3, 4)
  12. Find the “secret subway station
  13. Get a Christmas tree
  14. Decorate tree
  15. Make a gingerbread house (a la Trader Joe’s)
  16. Read the Christmas story
  17. Make a garland (popcorn, buttons, felt squares and/or cranberries)
  18. Hang and kiss under mistletoe
  19. Visit Santa?
  20. Visit the beautiful trees around the city (go to the Met for sure)
  21. Read Christmas themed storybooks (check out from library)
  22. Make snowflakes
  23. See the model trains at Grand Central
  24. Go ice skating
  25. Teach kids more Christmas songs
  26. Go on a hot chocolate crawl
  27. Make Christmas cards
  28. Watch a Christmas movie (or two)