November 16, 2011

Simon: 11 Months

I know I say this every time, but this time I really, really mean it!  Time flies!!!  How in the world can my baby almost be a year old?!  He will celebrate his 1 year on Dec 14!  I'm doing a double take on the last year of my life; it went lightning fast.

Here's a quick update and fun photos of Sweet Simon:

  • He just started clicking his tongue.
  • Just a few weeks ago he generously gave kisses to everyone.  Tight lipped, humming, leaning forward.  It was completely adorable.  He stopped doing it last week.  Which is very sad.
  • He threw a mini tantrum yesterday...he was quite tired at the time.
  • He is topping the charts as our most squirmy baby--ever!  
  • He sleeps wonderfully.  Finally!  Thank heavens!
  • He has said, "mama," "dada," and "lala" (Isabella), but won't do it on demand.
  • He spends 90% of his awake time at my feet, in my arms, in the carrier, or in the stroller.  The other 10% is spent laughing at/with Isabella and Oliver.
  • He loves his mama.  But as long as he's fed he often leans into daddy's arms.
  • When he hears the gate shut outside he crawls very excitedly toward the door, expecting Daddy.
  • He loves peek-a-boo.
  • He loves it so much he will sometimes just look away and back at you and start laughing hysterically.  It's adorable.
  • He can now drink from a straw.
  • He squeals like a little piggy when he doesn't get his way.
  • He loves to dance with Daddy and be tossed about.
I love and adore Simon!  We all do!  He's so funny, sweet, and kissable!

Welcoming Daddy home.
First haircut.
When I make dinner, he goes through the recycling.
Expert climber.
I LOVE this baby boy!

Falling in love with Fall.

Yesterday, after school, the forecast was threatening rain.  But the kids needed to run around so we headed to Central Park.  I am so glad we did.  It was spectacular.  The crowds were sparse, the clouds grey and low, the colors vibrant.  I certifiably have a new addiction: taking photos of my children with the fall leaves.  It's almost as bad as my addiction to taking photos of my kids on the beach.

As the kids were running freely I thought, "Why didn't I do this everyday last fall?!"  (Last year was the first fall we had an apartment a half a block away from The Park.)  But I quickly remembered, Oh yes!  That's right!  I was 8.5 months pregnant with Simon, Oliver was only 16 months old and barely walking, I lived in a 4th floor walk up, and I was preparing to move apartments.  In hindsight, it was one of the most difficult seasons of my life, physically.  (You saw that big baby belly!)

But now...Now?  Today.  This week...I LOVE this season!  I mean, really, really love it!   I love Central Park!  I love my kids rolling in the leaves!  I love the fresh, cool air!  It all feels so perfect and wonderful.  I've always agreed that fall is, indeed, very beautiful.  But it might, possibly, be my new favorite season.  Definitely tied with summer!