July 4, 2011

Summer 2011 Fun Calendar!

I just made my Summer Fun google calendar available for public viewing. It is not perfect and is a work in progress.  (Which makes me a bit hesitant to share it with all of you.  I have to fight some perfectionism tendencies at times.)  But I hope you use it

Just as a quick explanation: since there are so many fun, free things to do in the city this summer I had to narrow down and only put on the calendar things that I can possibly do with my kids.  These are events that are fairly accessible for us (i.e. on the west side of Manhattan), but there are a few exceptions. I tried to put a link to the event in the description section of the calendar, so you can check that for additional details (i.e. the location changes for some events, so find out where it is on that day). Summerstage has tons of fun stuff for kids but each event was at a different place/time with a different artist.  I don't have the time or patience to enter each one in, so I put one or two of their events that I thought we might enjoy. You should check out their site.

If you know of other events that you should be added, just let me know. I'm sure I've missed some.

A few, more general, fun summer things that I hope we will also do this summer:

Governor's Island (on a Friday)
Hall of Science
Brooklyn Children's Museum
Ride the Staten Island Ferry
Go swimming in Lasker Pool (hopefully a few times)
Hamilton Fish Park Pool
Walk over the Brooklyn Bridge
Picnic dinner and watch sunset on the Hudson (pier 85 is a favorite spot)
Go camping in one of NYC's parks
Visit the National Museum of the American Indian (always free)
Bronx Zoo a few times
Free bowling (every weekday before 5pm at 300 New York)

I tend to bite off more than I can chew. As much as I'd love to do everything I am constantly learning how to find a balance.

Have fun with it! Let me know if you like it and use it for your summer adventures.