September 30, 2011

Ceci's Wedding

My sweet, beautiful, amazing niece, Cecile, got married last weekend.  She is the oldest of the oldest (on both sides of her family), so it felt monumental in so many ways.  It also made me feel old.  How can my baby niece be married?!  Granted, I was 12 years old when she was born and she is only 21 years old.  But still...I was taking care of her only yesterday!

Brian was so good to watch Isabella and Oliver for the weekend while Simon and I flew to Seattle and back.  I had such a great time.  All my siblings, except one, could make it: 6 out of 7 of us were there!  I was reminded how much I love, love, love my brothers and sister.  They are the funniest people!  I love them to bits and miss them so much.  There's nothing quite like being around a bunch of crazy, funny people just like you.  They totally get me!  (Even if I was adopted. :))

I loved being able to see Ceci marry Josh in the temple for eternity and begin her family with such a strong foundation.

I loved that I arrived earlier than everyone else and got to hang out with family for just a bit before all wedding craziness ensued.

I loved that everyone finally met, adored, held, kissed, etc my sweet Simon.  I loved that Brooks (my oldest brother and father of the bride) was crawling on the floor delightfully chasing and wrestling with Simon within minutes of our arrival.

I loved that all my teenage nieces greeted me like I am a superstar.  I love those girls!

It was very touching to watch my oldest brother as he experienced the intense feelings that came with watching his daughter grow up.

It was an amazing, wonderful weekend.

Here are a lot of my favorite photos:

The beautiful bride and Sophie (her mom).
All the cousins that were able to make it.
I love Simon's expression.
The beautiful Mary!
The siblings:
Brooks (the bride's dad), me, Anika, Seth, Sean & Kayle.
Brett (Sean's twin) was missing.
I loved getting to spend so much solo time with my sweet Simon.
Mom and her grandkids.
The glamorous Emma!
The reception was beautiful.
I laughed.  I cried.  I ate a lot of delicious food.
Brooks gave a touching & hilarious speech about Ceci and her big day.
We said farewell to the bride and groom with tons of sparklers lighting the path to their car.

Right Now

Loving the beautiful morning at an empty playground.

September 29, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Right now I'm grateful for several things:

  • This may sound silly, but I'm so glad today is a Jewish holiday.  (Silly, because I'm a Mormon--yes, we do believe in Christ.)  Here, Jewish holidays are recognized and so Isabella gets today (and tomorrow) off of school.  (That never happened in CA when I was growing up.)  
  • It's a raining today.  So we are just chillin', calm and easy, inside.  No pressure to run around on adventures.  If it wasn't raining we'd probably be at the Bronx Zoo.
  • Isabella is still in her pajamas.  This morning I never said, "You need to ... now!"
  • All morning she has been playing with her toys.  Something she hasn't had time to do much of since school started.  
  • Right now she's spontaneously gluing, painting, stamping, drawing, etc.  Imagination and creativity are thriving today.  It feels good.
  • Oliver has joined in creating more than ever before.  He's mostly cutting and gluing galore.
  • I finally painted Isabella's nails.  Something I've been promising, and putting off, for well over a week.
  • I'm so glad I have today and tomorrow (and the weekend) to have my little girl around.  I've missed her so much!!!

It is a beautiful day!

September 27, 2011

School Wardrobe

My little Isabella loves fashion and to dress up.  Since she was about 18 months old she has demanded to get herself dressed and wear whatever she wants to wear.  In theory I'm totally okay with it.  But in reality, wearing snow pants in July?  Not an option.  (Same goes for swimsuits in February.)  And since she's a strong willed sweetie (I have no idea where she got that from. ;)) I prepared myself for school.  She and I worked to put some good school outfits together with the clothes she has.  I took photographs and we are using these photos as our morning guide.  

Most mornings she's fine and will pick out something that works perfectly (even if its not photographed).  But mornings, like today, when she's insisting on wearing something that won't work for school (like Oliver's tiny t-shirt) I pull out these photos, tell her which ones are still clean this week, and let her pick.  It worked beautifully.  I was so relieved and happy!  Power struggle solved!

Since taking these photos I've purchased leggings and long sleeve shirts to wear under the skirts and short sleeves.  I'm sure as it gets chilly I'll need to update our options.

Next up...her hair.  She's been demanding some funky hairdos ("Two braids and two ponytails.  Right here and here and here!").  How do I redirect that without squelching creative thinking?!

September 22, 2011

Right Now

Enjoying a bit of Ben & Jerry's. He was so excited when I handed him a "big" cone. I usually do my Mom's trick of getting an extra cone and splitting the ice cream. I didn't tell him he got a big one because his sister isn't here to split it with him. Bittersweet I tell you...bittersweet!

September 20, 2011

Simon: 9 months

I've said it before and I'll say it again, and again, and again...

Simon is the sweetest boy! 
Hands down!  
No contest!

Lately my littlest one is getting into everything.  Kitchen items strewn everywhere.  Garbages have to be lifted up onto tables.  Baby gates are up.  And the bathroom door must be closed "quickly, before he gets there".

He loves to pull himself up to a stand and declares, in sweet squeals, that he is quite proud of himself.  Although after a few recent tumbles he has become more cautious and now stands, and stands, and stands until someone rescues him and helps him sit back down.

For the record, he did say, "Mama," once and he was looking right at me.  It totally counts!  He often says, "da.da.da.da." or "di.da."  And speaks in a very forceful staccato.  I love it.

About a week, or so, ago he started clapping.  I was so excited, and I kept trying to get him to show off for everyone else...but he wouldn't.  He just looked at me, like I'm totally hilarious, then grabbed my hands and tried to eat them.  But, when no one else is looking, he loves to clap.

He's got ninja hands.  It's true.  As in, I'm about to put the spoon, full of baby food, into his mouth and all of a sudden the food has flown everywhere.  We just need to teach him to say, "hi-YA" and it would be official.  He's so fast!

A couple of times he has crawled; hands and knees style.  But he prefers the army style.  He can get going really fast on our wood floors and looks like a slithering snake.  Especially when he's headed for the stairs.  Especially when I'm headed for him, as he's headed for the stairs.

I love this stage!  He thinks we are all hilarious.  Peek-a-boo is awesome.  Chasing is the best game.  And he still loves to cuddle with his mama.  I love kissing his neck.  I love nursing him.  I love holding him.  I love tickling him.  And counting his petite pea toes.  And squeezing his plumpness.  I love watching him laugh at his brother and sister.  I love this boy!!!

Yesterday evening we had FHE at Sheep's Meadow.  As Brian chased Oliver during that it's-almost-time for-bed-naughtiness-phase, I finally captured a bit more of Simon's expressions (and yes, he is still in his pajamas because he is a 3rd child...but I have photos!):

The Long Island Simon.
"Hey Joey, Youz thinks I'm funny?!" (or is that more Jersey?)
The Hugging Simon.
The Happy Simon.
"Mama, you are hilarious."
aka: The 90% of the Time Simon.
The Wrapped Around Mama's Little Finger Simon.
"I'm gonna get that phone and suck on it!"
The Stare Into Your Soul Simon.
"You are the keeper of my milk."
The Intellectual Simon.
"Ahh... Very interesting..."
The I Got It Now Simon.
"I can almost taste that phone!"
The Dandelion Simon.
The Sweetest Boy In The World Simon. 
The Best Littlest Brother Simon. 

September 16, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by my favorite blog: SouleMama

September 14, 2011

First Day of School

Thursday was Isabella's first day of school...ever!  It was a half day and parents stayed at the school the entire time.  (Some time in the classroom with the kids and some time meeting with Principal Parker.)  It was a great way to transition.  (The photos below are during our time in the classroom.)

The week before school started if you would have asked Isabella how she felt about going to school she would enthusiastically reply, "Excited!"  But her actions were telling me that there was a whole lot more going on inside her.  I began seeing a pattern: big, anticipated changes = certain behaviors (same behaviors happened right before both her brothers were born).  I tried to talk with her about how it is okay to be nervous or scared.  She began asking (a few times every day), "What will school be like?"

She is so brave!  I'm so very proud of her for doing something that made her feel uneasy.  And that she trusts us enough to be willing to do follow our guidance.  When it was time to separate she sat on the brightly colored carpet, her body tense, and her eyes looking everywhere except at us.

Monday was the first full day (8:30am-3:10pm).  I dropped her off in a chaotic stairwell.  Mr. Parker guided the kids into the school hallway and the parents back down the stairs.  I exited the building and chatted with friends before heading home.  I was surprisingly fine with it all.  Even once I was at home, as I busied myself with the day's tasks.  

Well, until Oliver, with toy in hand, began yelling, "La-la!  La-la!" and searched every corner of our tiny apartment for her to play with.  Then I lost it.  

And when I talked to Brian on the phone.  The flood gates opened again.  

And when I nursed Simon.  And laughed with Oliver.  And made lunch for just Oliver and me.  I was fine other than that.  

Monday evening as we were getting ready for the next day of school Isabella said, "I have to go again tomorrow?!  How many more times do I have to go?"  (I just about lost it then too, but I held back those tears.)

As hard as it is to have her go, I am grateful for the chance to breathe.  I feel like I can finally exhale and take in more of life around me.  It is a bit more calm here.

Also, the most adorable thing: how excited Isabella is to see her brothers when we pick her up.  That girl!  She touches my heart with all her love and goodness.

September 13, 2011

Right Now

Blowing bubbles while waiting to pick up Isabella.

September 9, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by my favorite blog: SouleMama

September 7, 2011

How is it possible?

This baby of mine will start kindergarten tomorrow!

Is it just me, or do other parents feel like this is the biggest change since giving birth?

She's so grown up, but still a baby.  She's sweet and sassy.  Smart and strong.  Timid and reckless.

Why must she grow up so fast?  It tears at my heart and yet, it is so exciting to see her bloom, change and grow.

She is amazing and, at times, exhausting.  She is the most exhausting joy I have ever loved.

I'm so glad I get to be her mom and continue on this adventure with her.

I know she will do great.  I know I will constantly think of her throughout the day.  I am so grateful the first two days of school are short and sweet.  Next Monday (when she begins to go all day, everyday) that's when I think know I will cry.

Why I love being a mom...

It's moments like these that make motherhood perfect.

September 6, 2011

Another Perfect Saturday

We spent the most beautiful day of the year along the Hudson River.

Free kayaking at Pier 96 (@ W 56th St).  I'm so glad people donate their time so we can do this!

Enjoying refreshing apricot popsicles on the Highline.

Miniature golfing and playing at the brand new Pier 25 (@ N Moore St).  I highly recommend New York mammas go to this new pier...tons of fun!