Putting up our first Christmas tree ever!! You have no idea how
excited I am!
December 14, 2009
After spending a week touring around Washington with Brian, the kids and I headed to my mom's house in California and relaxed for a few more days before heading back to New York. Isabella adored all her cousins, aunts and uncles, great aunts, and Grandma in Washington and California. It was nice to rest up. Which prepared us for the crazy week after returning home: redeye flight to NYC, drive to CT, run in a 8K race, feast on Thanksgiving day, tour Boston for two days, drive back to NYC and then move apartments.
Northwest Trip in photos
We loved visiting family in Seattle. We were lucky to have a couple sunny days while we traveled around. Most of these were taken on our Orcas Island trip. And, regretfully, I neglected to snap many photos of the family. I guess we'll have to go back again soon.