July 4, 2008

Beach Bums

Some of my favorite photos from our trip to the New Jersey beaches yesterday. The weather was fantastic and we had a great time.

Picnic in Sheep Meadow

Brian had a pretty mellow work week with his boss off on vacation, so we got to spend some nice long lunches with him.


Isabella was pooped after a long, fun weekend in New Hampshire!

Day 3: Story Land

Isabella's favorite ride: "you drive 'em tractor"

Milking a cow, of course!

Every child's fun place must have a ball pit!

Since we only had a couple of hours at Story Land the first day we went back to fully enjoy the park our last day in New Hampshire. It started pouring before we even left the hotel, but it turned out to be a very lovely, lovely day to play!

Day 2: Santa's Village

Isabella's favorite ride. Don't ask how I got out!

Yes, those are real reindeer!

These little amusement parks are tucked away in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. This was a day at Santa's Village. Kinda quirky, crazy little places, but oh, so fun.

Day 1: Story Land

After traveling from Connecticut to New Hampshire for 4 1/2 hours by car with three children in the backseat we were thrilled to get out and play at Story Land. Isabella LOVED the carousel. Then it poured on us. Once she was wet she became very quiet and still...seriously, I think her arm stayed in that position for, like, an hour. And then she got to "drive" a car, and she was happy again. What a trooper!

Traveling with Toddler by Train

I was a little nervous taking two trains to Connecticut last weekend with just my two hands, a baby, stroller, and all the stuff we would need for a fun weekend in New Hampshire. Isabella was a trooper, as always, and only ran off once on Amtrak while I was trying to stow the stroller in the luggage compartment. Gotta love modern entertainment on long trips with a toddler!